Group of people sitting and smiling - one people seems happy surprised!

What Is Medigap Plan G?

Medigap Plan G is the second most popular Medicare Supplement Plan behind Medigap Plan F. Medigap Plan G is similar to Medigap Plan F. It offers excellent value to anyone willing to pay an annual deductible. In addition, it provides complete coverage for the gaps in Original Medicare, covering your copays, hospital deductible, coinsurance, and the 20% that Medicare Part B doesn’t cover. 

HealthPlans of NC

Health Plans of NC, Kelly Quinn

What you get with Medigap Plan G

Medigap Plan G provides coverage for almost all the same things that Medigap Plan F offers, except for your Part B deductible ($223 per year in 2022). Additional benefits you receive include: 

  • Medicare Part A coinsurance, hospital costs (up to an extra 365 days after you use your Medicare benefits)

  • Part A hospice care copayment

  • Medicare Part A deductible

  • Medicare Part B excess charges 

  • Medicare Part B copayment

  • Your first three pints of blood for any medical treatment

  • Coinsurance for skilled nursing facility 

  • Foreign travel emergency (up to your plan limits)

Coverage related to medical services

Plan G Medigap provides coverage for your portion of any medical costs covered by Original Medicare, minus your outpatient deductible. It helps you pay for inpatient hospital costs, such as hospice care, skilled nursing, and blood transfusions. In addition, it also provides coverage for outpatient services, including: 

  • lab work

  • x-rays

  • various surgeries

  • visits to your regular doctor

  • ambulance services

  • supplies required for diabetes 

  • durable medical equipment

Medicare pays first, and then your Medigap Plan G provider pays the outstanding amount once you’ve paid your annual deductible. Plan G supplements also offer up to $50,000 in foreign travel emergency benefits, making it an excellent choice if you’re a frequent traveler or considering overseas travel when you retire. 

Medigap Plan G costs

Plan costs vary depending on your circumstances, such as your age, gender, and whether you smoke. For example, the average premium for a North Carolina woman who doesn’t smoke is currently between $87 to $290 per year. For a male non-smoker, the average is between $98 to $328 per year. 

Why Medigap Plan G is a good choice?

As well as low premiums, Medigap Plan G typically offers a lower rate increase year over year compared to Medigap Plan F, saving you money. While many people prefer Medigap Plan F vs G, Plan G offers you better value, though Plan F does provide greater coverage. Choosing the right plan depends on your circumstances and the level of coverage you require. Get in touch with an experienced health insurance broker NC to find out more.  

Note:  Not everyone can enroll in Plan F.  As of January 1, 2020, Plan F is no longer available to people new to Medicare. 

Help with Medigap Plan G

If you’re interested in getting a quote for Medigap Plan G, contact our Medigap agents at Health Plans of NC. Our agents can help find you the lowest premiums available in North Carolina for Medigap Plan G and answer any questions you have about Medicare Supplement plans. So get in touch today to find out how we can help. 

RELATED: What Is Medigap Plan F?What Is Medigap Plan N?

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