Healthcare News & Stories

Blue Cross NC

Blue Cross NC

Blue Cross NC Introduces Pay as a Guest for One-Time Premium Payments

Blue Cross NC’s Pay as a Guest feature allows one-time premium payments for medical, dental, and vision plans without logging into Blue Connect. Available to Medicare and individual members, payments can be made via bank draft, credit/debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, or Venmo. Payments reflect within 24-48 hours.
HealthPlans of NC

Health, Blue Cross NC, Affordable Care Act, Individual/Family, Medicare

Special Enrollment Period Extended to Feb. 16 for 27 Hurricane-Affected Counties

Residents in certain counties impacted by Hurricane Helene now have an extended opportunity to apply for or adjust their Blue Cross NC individual health insurance plans. The Special Enrollment Period (SEP) has been extended for these counties, offering a chance to secure health coverage or switch to a plan that better suits your needs.
Who Is Eligible?
Residents in the affected counties can use this SEP to enroll in a new plan and apply for coverage with Blue Cross NC or another carrier. They can also switch plans, updating their coverage to align with their current healthcare needs.
HealthPlans of NC

Blue Cross NC, Individual/Family, Medicare

Blue Cross NC Members Can Receive Prescriptions Through Amazon Pharmacy

Blue Cross NC members can now enjoy the convenience of home delivery for prescriptions through Amazon Pharmacy, simplifying medication management while maintaining trusted benefits.
HealthPlans of NC

Health, Wellness, Blue Cross NC, Medicare

NEW FitOn Health Program

Starting January 1, 2025, Blue Cross NC members can join FitOn Health for access to over 13,000 gyms and studios.
HealthPlans of NC

Blue Cross NC, Medicare

Healthy Blue + Medicare Could Be the Ideal Plan for Those Who Qualify

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) offers Healthy Blue + Medicare (HMO-POS D-SNP), a plan for individuals eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. It combines medical, hospital, and prescription drug benefits with over $10,000 in extra services at no cost.
HealthPlans of NC

Health, Blue Cross NC, Individual/Family

Teladoc Updates for Individual Under-65 Members in 2025

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) is updating Teladoc services for individuals under 65 ACA members in 2025, enhancing telehealth accessibility and affordability. Telehealth services will now be free for Blue Local, Blue Home, and Blue Value plans, while Bronze HSA plan members will pay 0% after meeting their deductible. Virtual dermatology services are being added to the Primary360 package at no cost, alongside existing $0 services for acute care, behavioral health, nutrition, and primary care. These updates simplify billing, expand virtual care options, and improve access to healthcare, reflecting Blue Cross NC's commitment to providing high-quality, cost-effective care.
HealthPlans of NC

Blue Cross NC

Blue Connect Improvements and Paperless Delivery

Blue Cross NC has introduced new enhancements for members registered for Blue Connect,
HealthPlans of NC

Health, Blue Cross NC, Affordable Care Act, Individual/Family

Blue Cross NC Announces ACA Rate Increases Below National Average

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) is taking steps to keep health care more affordable for North Carolinians with a modest rate increase for 2025 Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans. The North Carolina Department of Insurance (NCDOI) has approved a 3% average rate increase for individual customers and families enrolled in ACA plans through Blue Cross NC. This increase is less than half of the estimated national average rate increase of 7% for ACA Marketplace plans. “The average rate increase of 3% on our ACA plans is less than half the national average. We have worked hard to keep our ACA plans as affordable as possible, but we know any increase is too much for many families,” said Dr. Tunde Sotunde, President and CEO of Blue Cross NC. “The cost of health care – including prescription drugs – is still too high. It will take all of us, including health systems and pharmaceutical companies, to make health care more affordable.”
HealthPlans of NC

By Health Plans of NC Staff

female agent smiling as she speaks to family of clients
Blue Cross NC, Individual/Family, Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Health

2025 Annual Open Enrollment & Special Enrollment Periods: Key Dates and Information

For Medicare, the Annual Enrollment Period for 2025 runs from October 15 to Dec 7, 2024. For individual and family plans, Open Enrollment starts November 1, 2024 and ends January 15, 2025. For more details about enrollment periods for 2025, feel free to reach out to one of our agents.
HealthPlans of NC

Health Plans of NC Staff

Friendly agent helps couple find the best insurance policy
Medicare, Blue Cross NC, Health, Wellness

Medicare Supplement Plan Participation Is Rising in North Carolina

Are you a senior enrolled in Medicare? Are you considering additional coverage options to help with your healthcare costs?  Recent research shows that more and more seniors are turning to Medicare supplement plans.  Also known as Medigap plans, these plans are specifically designed to help you fill in the gaps often left by traditional Medicare coverage.
HealthPlans of NC

Health Plans of NC, Kelly Quinn

a couple signs deal with a trusted insurance agent
Blue Cross NC, Affordable Care Act, Individual/Family, Medicare

ACA Health Insurance: The Growing Issue of Unauthorized Plan Switching

A new concerning health insurance trend has emerged: unauthorized plan switching.  KFF Health News reports that this switching is happening with surprising ease in the 32 states that serve the Federal Marketplace. Customers find themselves enrolled in new plans without their knowledge or consent. The result? Profound implications for their financial well-being and;  Not being enrolled in the right plan to meet their healthcare needs.  
HealthPlans of NC

Health Plans of NC by Kelly Quinn

Two active seniors walk their dog
Medicare, Blue Cross NC

The Medicare Out-of-Pocket Drug Spending Cap: A Game-Changer for Millions of Americans

Medicare is undergoing a significant shift, bringing hope to millions of beneficiaries grappling with the high costs of prescription drugs.  The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 has led to major changes in the Medicare Part D program, including a new prescription drug cap of $2,000. The Act focuses on reducing out-of-pocket patient expenses to curb Medicare's spending on prescription drugs. Let’s examine the changes, who will benefit, and when the new rules will take effect.
HealthPlans of NC

Health Plans of NC by Kelly Quinn

trustworthy agent shakes hands with client
Health, Blue Cross NC, Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Individual/Family

Avoiding Health Insurance Scams: Your Guide to Making Smart Coverage Choices

If you’ve just started researching health insurance coverage options, you’ll know that the industry can be complex. There are countless coverage options available at multiple price points.  Unfortunately, the confusion surrounding health insurance can sometimes lead to exploitation. We’ve seen operators selling inadequate health insurance products to customers throughout North Carolina that don’t deliver the benefits clients are promised.
HealthPlans of NC

Health Plans of NC, by Kelly Quinn

a group of smiling agents
Health, Blue Cross NC, Affordable Care Act, Medicare

Why an Experienced Health Insurance Agent Is Your Best Resource in a Digital World

In today's digital age, many Americans use technology to manage various aspects of their everyday lives, from buying groceries to sourcing financial advice.  With the rise of computer-generated assistants and helpful chatbots, saving time and using automated tools for the more complex things in life can be tempting - like finding the right health insurance coverage. But while you can enroll in a health insurance plan online, it's essential that you first understand your coverage options before choosing a plan.  When searching for the right health insurance for your health and budget, nothing beats getting advice from an experienced and knowledgeable health insurance agent. Particularly, one who specializes in understanding the needs of people like you who live in North Carolina.
HealthPlans of NC

Health Plans of NC by Kelly Quinn

Senior couple talking to health insurance agent
Blue Cross NC, Affordable Care Act, Individual/Family

How a Health Insurance Agent Can Help You Navigate - For Free!

Did you know that health insurance agents can help you sign up with at no cost? While online platforms make it easier to choose your healthcare plan, getting the right one and navigating the complexities of the various available policies can still be challenging. If you need help choosing the right health insurance, our experienced, knowledgeable, and local health insurance agents can help you - for free.
HealthPlans of NC

Health Plans of North Carolina by Kelly Quinn

A smiling group of multi-cultural co-workers
Blue Cross NC

Rate Decrease for Blue Cross Blue Shield North Carolina Customers in 2024

In a win for North Carolina residents, the NC Department of Insurance has approved a 4% average rate decrease for individual customers and families enrolled in Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans in 2024. This decrease will lower total premiums by an estimated $130 million, making quality healthcare more accessible for many North Carolinians.
HealthPlans of NC

Health Plans of NC by Kelly Quinn

Blue Cross NC, Individual/Family, Affordable Care Act

New Consumer Protections for Individual/ Family Health Insurance

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has introduced changes this year to protect your information and reinforce consumer rights. The new requirements, which help ensure greater transparency when working with health insurance agents and brokers, are part of the 2024 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters (NBPP). What does this mean for you?
HealthPlans of NC

Health Plans of NC

Senior Couple talking to insurance agent
Medicare, Blue Cross NC

New Consumer Protections for Medicare Health Insurance

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has introduced changes this year to protect your information and reinforce consumer rights. The new requirements, which help ensure greater transparency when working with health insurance agents and brokers, are part of the 2024 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters (NBPP). What does this mean for you?
HealthPlans of NC

Health Plans of NC

Twenty something young woman looking up information on laptop
Health, Vision, Individual/Family, Affordable Care Act, Blue Cross NC

Essential Tips for Choosing Health Insurance Turning 26

Up until age 26, you can remain on your parent's health insurance plan. But turning 26 means it's finally time to sort out your own health insurance coverage. It’s important to make sure that you find a plan that meets your health needs, and that's within your budget. In this article, we'll help you find a plan that meets your lifestyle and give you plenty of information so you can make an informed choice.  At Health Plans of NC, we specialize in helping anyone from North Carolina find the right health insurance coverage. If you’re about to turn 26, here are our top recommendations for finding the right health insurance for you. 
HealthPlans of NC

Happy couple signs online contract
Blue Cross NC, Affordable Care Act, Individual/Family, Medicare, Short Term

Changes to Consent Requirements for Marketplace Consumers

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have introduced new requirements that aim to protect consumer interests. The requirements, which help ensure greater transparency when working with health insurance agents and brokers, are part of the 2024 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters (NBPP). These enhanced consumer protections were introduced in response to various complaints and disputes about who can act on an individual’s behalf. The rules apply to all enrollments by agents, brokers, and web-brokers, regardless of which platform they use.
HealthPlans of NC

Health Plans of NC by Kelly Quinn

Team lead explaining new regulations to agents
Blue Cross NC, Affordable Care Act, Individual/Family, Medicare, Short Term

Changes to How Agencies Can Market Medicare Advantage and Part D Plan

The U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has recently released changes to how health insurance agents and brokers can market to customers. These changes aim to improve your experience when sourcing Medicare Advantage and Part D plans.  Ensuring agents and plan providers follow the new guidelines helps you to make a more informed decision about your coverage.
HealthPlans of NC

Health Plans of NC by Kelly Quinn

A group of coworkers eating lunch
Health, Individual/Family, Blue Cross NC

The Benefits of Including Weight Loss Drugs on Employer-Sponsored Health Plans

With the rate of obesity continuing to rise throughout the U.S., so too are the introduction of new and promising weight loss drugs, such as Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro.  While these weight loss drugs can be expensive, some employers are considering adding them to their employer-sponsored health plans. To support employees and help boost productivity, which can produce significant savings over the long term.
HealthPlans of NC

Health Plans of NC, by Kelly Quinn

Woman smiles at camera while packing up her office for a job change
Individual/Family, Affordable Care Act, Blue Cross NC

Changing Jobs? Get a Better Deal With Health Plans of NC

Life can be full of planned events and some that are a little more unexpected. If you're changing jobs or facing unemployment, and need to reconsider your health plan, our local North Carolina health insurance agents are here to help.  Our agents work hard every day to find clients a better deal than COBRA. So before you use COBRA, call us to see how we can help. 
HealthPlans of NC

Health Plans of North Carolina by Kelly Quinn

group of smiling seniors
Medicare, Blue Cross NC

The Rise of Enrollment in Medicare Advantage Plans

Medicare Advantage continues to grow in popularity with Medicare beneficiaries. Data released in January 2023 by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services shows Medicare Advantage provides coverage for just over half of all Medicare-eligible beneficiaries. So out of almost 60 million people enrolled in Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B, just over 30 million are enrolled in a private plan.
HealthPlans of NC

Health Plans of NC

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